Wednesday, April 09, 2008
Hakka noodles.....yum yum....
Yipee jz manage to get my hands on a bowl of hakka noodles yea....and my latest addition of addiction is hakka mee.....i can go for days jz by eating hakka mee but then i guess there are different types of hakka mee....
Lol....some are made wid these noodles dat looks like wayar(wire) jz like wat suelynn mentions...haha....i think most of the hakka noodles looks like dat in klang..... =p well the ones near my place is almost like the sarawak's "kam phua" still remember jz having kam phua every morning for breakfast back in sibu and bintulu....yumss......reali craving for dat now...wakaka....
Lately my blog is all about food.....i guess i'm jz struck by the food sickness dat i have to lay my hands on anything i find edible....and after consuming it i'll jz start having this utmost craving towards it....haha.....
Anyways, today was jz plain bored.....spent the whole day at home and watching movies only.....jz finished watching vantage point and wat i could comment on it is...well the director pete travis did a great job towards the ending of the whole just 23 minutes i realise that anything can small differences happening in different places can cause so many stories to be unfold behind it....not too bad not too bad......
Then i watched shawshank redemption again cuz i kinda forgot the whole story d.....frm my memories of when i was 11 or 12 when watching dat is andy wearing the warden's shoes's still buried in my head some place.... =) great movie and morgan freeman still is a hell of a great actor... \\m//
And finally hell my line sux big big time.....cant imagine it keeps goin on and off by itself.....i'm having a hard time jz publishing this short post....haha...
See you in abit.... =)
Lately my blog is all about food.....i guess i'm jz struck by the food sickness dat i have to lay my hands on anything i find edible....and after consuming it i'll jz start having this utmost craving towards it....haha.....
Anyways, today was jz plain bored.....spent the whole day at home and watching movies only.....jz finished watching vantage point and wat i could comment on it is...well the director pete travis did a great job towards the ending of the whole just 23 minutes i realise that anything can small differences happening in different places can cause so many stories to be unfold behind it....not too bad not too bad......
Then i watched shawshank redemption again cuz i kinda forgot the whole story d.....frm my memories of when i was 11 or 12 when watching dat is andy wearing the warden's shoes's still buried in my head some place.... =) great movie and morgan freeman still is a hell of a great actor... \\m//
And finally hell my line sux big big time.....cant imagine it keeps goin on and off by itself.....i'm having a hard time jz publishing this short post....haha...
See you in abit.... =)
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my roomate is from sibu..she always mention tis food to me s well... donno u from sibu last time oso..haha
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